O2 Games introduces their new minis game Aethersteel, and Dan Black shows off Vikings.
Just some of the miniatures at B-Con this year.
Check out our other events coverage from B-Con.
O2 Games introduces their new minis game Aethersteel, and Dan Black shows off Vikings.
Just some of the miniatures at B-Con this year.
Check out our other events coverage from B-Con.
Justin from Terra Nova Games gives us a quick intro to this year’s releases: Trick of the Rails and Matryoshka.
Here’s the guys from Spyglass Games talking about their upcoming new release at B-Con: Hunting Sasquatch.
Check out our other events coverage from B-Con.
Here we are with Joseph explaining the Boardgamers League at B-Con. The league is growing – check out their site for events!
Another new release from Knightworks presented by Don Lloyd: Hands In The Sea, 2 player battle for control between Rome and Carthage.
Footage taken at B-con 2016.
Here’s Don from Knightworks giving us an overview of Forged In Steel, a deck driven city building game set in Pueblo CO.
Cool stuff at B-Con this year. Check out our other B-Con Events coverage!
Sean from Mr. B Games excited for their anniversary reprint of Liar’s Dice by Richard Borg.
Check out Mr. B Games, now hosting B-Con in the Denver area.
We made it to the first ever B-Con, game convention in Denver. Here we get an intro from Sean Brown on the convention and more to come.
A lot of indie publishers and designers showing their stuff. We had fun this year and are looking forward to the next one!
Here’s a game overview by the designer of Zimby Mojo from Gen Con 2016. Magic, Cannibals, and Zombies. Co-Opportunistic game play.
Oh, and dancers…
Check out our other Gen Con footage as well as our Games in 5 Tutorials. And SUBSCRIBE!
Here’s an overview of the game Brewin’ USA from Gen Con 2016. Adam, the game designer and owner gives us a quick run through. Craft beer, brewing across the US with Coasters for cities and Bottle Caps for points!
Check out our other Gen Con footage and Subscribe to our Distractovision YouTube Channel